Your chamber of commerce can put the power of “Big Data” into your members’ hands, and make non-dues revenue doing it! by Craig W. Turner Let me tell you about the most powerful non-dues revenue chamber of commerce program that’s come your way since health insurance… I’m not over-embellishing. I’ve been in the chamber world for 17 years, and know,

You’ve made the decision to join your chamber of commerce. Congratulations! You’ve taken a huge step in growing your business. At Momentum, our entire business model revolves around helping companies make the most of their chamber of commerce and business association memberships, so we’re thrilled for you. In fact, we’re so thrilled, we’ve put together some quick tips for you

When it comes to our partnership with TechCards, and our program developed specifically for chamber of commerce members, we like the tagline we use: “Are you still networking like it’s 2022?” It holds true, because I’ve been using my TechCard for about a year now , and just this month was the first time I’ve ever brandished my card to

We talk a lot in the blog and on the IT’S ALL ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW Podcast about our strong belief that spending marketing dollars with chambers of commerce is a smart investment. We believe it so much, in fact, that we built Momentum’s entire business model around the concept. Our clients have actually pulled investment away from other kinds

Let me start by delivering an important truth: There is no easy path to successful chamber of commerce social media. It’s a hard reality, but it’s important. There’s no magical formula, no “easy-to-use” content library, and no push-button solution that will miraculously have your online presence boom. Social media will cost money and/or time to make it work, but when

Is your chamber using influencer marketing to grow? You should be. At the beginning of March, I had the great opportunity to serve as a judge for the Distributive Education Clubs of America’s (DECA) New York State competition. If you’re unfamiliar with DECA, it’s a national business education program where high school students compete with written testing, role plays and